INNOTECH believes that increase in business values and growth of INNOTECH Corporation and its group companies are achieved based on each employee’s growth. Therefore, INNOTECH is actively working to brush up its human resource management scheme to secure, educate, and train their employees, and to create organizations where each employee can fully demonstrate his or her unique ability.
Also, INNOTECH makes hiring and assignments, fully respecting each individual’s different talent and values, irrespective of his or her gender, nationality, and handicap.
INNOTECH is promoting business structural reforms from three perspectives in order to achieve further growth. The first Perspective is “From Product Business to Solution Business”, the second is “From Domestic Business to Global Business”, and the third is “From the Semiconductor Market to the Final Product Market”.
And INNOTECH has set a vision for human resources which comprises the following seven requirements to enable such transformations and INNOTECH nurtures and develops the potential ability of its employees so that they will satisfy such requirements.
Vision of Human Resources:
Education Committee
INNOTECH has formed the Education Committee in October 2019 as an organization which supervises smooth operation and continued improvements of its new training system which will form a basis to nurture human resources to keep up with its business area changes.
Education and Training System
In order to nurture human resources and cultivate individual employee’s talent, it is indispensable to continuously educate them. For employees to grow, they need to improve both the “basic skills” which are common and general skills as working members of society and the “professional skills” which are unique to certain business areas and work assignments. INNOTECH provides all of its employees with opportunities to brush up their professional skills through their daily work as well as the Education and Training Programs as tools to enhance their basic skills.
INNOTECH Education and Training Program is composed of the “Biz SCORE Basic”, which is a business skills diagnostic test, and “Biz CAMPUS Online”, which is an online training platform.
Employees go through the business skills diagnostic test every year to understand their strength and weak points as the test quantitatively visualizes the knowledge and skills of each employee.
The test results are shared with the employees’ supervisors so that the information will be utilized to plan the OJT and to determine which training to receive.
Based on the Employee Training Plan which is built by INNOTECH, employees will go through at least one training on a quarterly basis chosen among more than 150 trainings which are offered according to the employee’s test results or designation by INNOTECH.
Thus, employees can build a habit of learning by such training programs, supplement knowledge and ability they need, and further enhance their skills which are already strong. And they will go through the business skills diagnostic test next year again, confirm if they gained full understanding of what they have studied the year before and how much progress they made, and recognize new areas to improve. INNOTECH believes that such repeated PDCA cycle of education and training will contribute to nurturing its employees and cultivating their talents.
INNOTECH believes that employee engagement is very important. In 2022, INNOTECH hired an external consulting firm to conduct an anonymous employee engagement survey to see and analyze employees’ views and opinions on the company and their working environment so that the company and employees build a sustainable, trusting relationship, facing the same direction.
Also, INNOTECH conducts HR-related surveys (once a year) to all employees since 2014 so that each employee’s wishes and difficulties will be taken into consideration at the company and the survey results and measures to be taken are discussed from various aspects, obtaining objective opinions from Outside Directors and so on.
Furthermore, the Communication Meeting attended by all employees and Managing Executive Officers is utilized as a place to form awareness against various harassments and on corporate ethics and to share ideas of the Board and the direction of management with the employees.
INNOTECH defines the roles of employees by each job grade and job category and makes appraisals based on such definitions so that the human resources system works in such a manner that the significance of the roles is linked to the remuneration.
As for job grades, there are ones which lead to the management path as well as those which lead to expert paths so that each employee’s talent and potential will be considered and the optimal carrier for each employee will be formed.
Job categories are set based on the job content, such as sales, engineering, administration and so on and in such a manner that roles to be assumed will be clear and easily understood.
As for appraisals, for management and highly-ranked experts, the MBO (Management by Objectives) Appraisals are made based on their achievements. For middle class working-level employees, the MBO Appraisals are conducted based on the work process, and for younger employees with growth potentials, the Competency Appraisals are made, focusing on their behavior characteristics.
The appraisal results are verified by at least two supervisors of the employee to ensure fair and appropriate appraisal. Also, employee interviews are conducted when his or her objectives are set as well as when the feedbacks are made with respect to his or her appraisal results.
With regard to remuneration, the minimum and maximum amounts are set per each job grade and the amount stands for the significance of each role. Performance-based bonus is also paid to compensate the employee’s contribution and achievements of the relevant year. Also, stock options for employees and long service awards system are provided.
In addition, INNOTECH develops measures to keep employees motivated, such as to assist employees’ efforts to enhance their foreign language skills.